“Renowned neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson tells his powerful story of overcoming poverty and cultural racism to become a true success. Dr. Carson sits down with Kevin Freeman to discuss his new book, “Created Equal.” They have a frank discussion about racism and what we must do to solve it. He says, “We are not each other’s enemy, but need to direct our anger to those who are creating the division because that’s the real problem.”
Now former Oregon Governor Kate Brown has participated in events sponsored by Chinese Communist Party propaganda groups flagged by the U.S. State Department for “directly and malignly influenc[ing]” American officials, The National Pulse can reveal… read the story
Major doctors across the nation have banded together with the solution involving inexpensive therapeutics. Read more. It may save your life.
Pastor Hank Kunneman, preaches from the pulpit in Omaha about election fraud, defying forced vaccine, “wussy pastors,” and God’s plans for America …like the preachers did in revolutionary days. Watch Sunday service, learn more about why the British named the colony’s preachers this pejorative term, burned down churches.
Monster Fauci, CDC want 2+ year-olds to be masked in schools or segregated as pariahs from vaccinated maskless students; yet new AMA study warns of poisonous level of CO2 under those masks.
Dangerous mask CO2 levels (6x worse than toxic room): Read story | print story for distribution | AMA Journal study
Meanwhile, internal Fauci emails: he states typically used masks are ineffective to stop spread of China virus (the lab virus that he helped to fund)! Newsweek article | print version
Children 50x more likely to die from vaccine than from the virus, according to form Pfizer VP | Watch interview
What is your local school board doing? Will they teach hate based on a child’s skin color? Will they force LGBTQ brainwashing? Find out! Demand accountability.
NW Observer (Oregon/Salem political news)
Jeff Kropf Political Coffee M-F 6-7am (replay on demand at link)
War Room w/Steve Bannon Live 7-9am & 2-3pm Mon-Sat | Full replays
Real Americas Voice (live 24/7, also an App)
One America News Web | Clips | Watch
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Flashpoint with Gene Baily live 5-6 pm Tu/Th | on Facebook (& on demand on both)
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